One of the first items you should address for your manufacturing business is the strength of its security and safety features.
Workers are involved with handling products, assembling components, operating expensive machinery, and meeting productivity goals.
On an everyday basis, this is the most they will have to consider.
In the case of an emergency, however, their attention, focus, and efficiency will be tasked.
If you are looking into manufacturing surveillance security, there are several factors you should consider.
This post will cover how to establish your priorities regarding safety and security. It will also address the essential features you may not have realized you needed.
Here’s what you can do to level up your security system today.
Start With Your Priorities
A manufacturing plant typically encompasses a lot of space to monitor.
Your business may include multiple buildings for manufacturing and processing, a mechanical room or boiler room, a computer room, employee break spaces, and the various offices needed for supervisors and other staff.
You will also need to take a look at your grounds, including any perimeter fencing, storage facilities, and parking areas.
Assess each one to determine who is accessing these spaces and if any restrictions must be imposed. For example, check whether certain areas require higher security measures or added strategies to enhance worker safety.
Once you set your security priorities, consider how the following features can help you.
Related: Importance of Security in the Workplace: What You Need to Know
The Musts of Manufacturing Surveillance Security
For comprehensive security, you need to focus on access control, video surveillance, system integration, and preparation.
Access Control
Access control does more than measure who enters and exits your building. It could also show you which rooms are accessed and at what times of day.
Controlling access is your first opportunity to secure your company. Some popular methods include locks, key cards, and control panels. In addition, employee identification badges will tell you at a glance if someone is where they should be.
Access control measures should be considered for building entry and for hazardous areas that should be limited to qualified personnel.
Would you like to learn more about access control for your manufacturing business? Contact TriStar Security Services for more information.
Video Surveillance
The most common threats to a manufacturing business come from vandalism, sabotage, violence, theft, cyber-attacks, and trespassing.

Video surveillance can go a long way toward detecting these threats. Video cameras will allow you to identify whether someone is acting suspiciously, loitering, attempting to breach the security of your property, or actively trying to destroy it too.
Video cameras should be placed at each entrance and exit of your buildings. They should also be positioned to monitor your perimeter at different points. In addition, consider installing cameras in your parking garage or lots.
Video surveillance does more than identify possible threats.
It also allows you to monitor the workings of your plant. You can identify possible dangers on the floor and address them immediately. You can ensure compliance and track product shipping and receipt procedures too.
Related: The Importance of Correct Security Camera Installations
System Integration
Successful security surveillance also requires an integrated approach. You need to consider the physical, procedural, and digital features you are taking to secure your business.
- Physical. A physical approach includes the visual, audio, and tactile steps to secure the building and property sufficiently.
Alarm systems, video cameras, access control, security patrols, and clearly labeled and displayed signage are all physical components that enhance security.
- Procedural. A procedural process refers to the written policies and procedures created to establish and maintain security. One of the procedures may include mandated background checks for all employees.
Your procedures should outline the steps employees must follow regularly to ensure compliance.
Your procedures should also include what employees should do in case of a security breach or other emergency.
- Digital. This approach examines how you use technology to support and reinforce security measures.
Look into an automated system with reinforced levels of security for your network.
You will also want to implement security measures for your network when your employees use their personal devices on-site. Ensure you can authenticate and monitor any user connecting to your company network.
Ready to invest in a fully-integrated security system? Reach out to the experts at TriStar Security Services to schedule a consultation.
Staff Preparation
Your final security measure consideration involves how thoroughly you prepare your staff.

Don’t leave those written procedures in a drawer. Instead, review them with new employees during onboarding. Revisit policies regularly throughout the year to determine if changes are needed. Encourage a culture where workers can ask questions or share concerns that arise.
Employees also need to be aware of what they must do in an emergency. First, brainstorm all possible outcomes that could occur within the plant or on the surrounding grounds. Then narrow the list down to focus on the most likely scenarios.
Decide how your employees will respond, including how you can delegate different responsibilities or tasks.
Your company’s contingency plan should be clear and easy to follow, especially when tensions are running high. When employees are confident of their actions, it will reduce the likelihood of mistakes or further losses.
Encourage your employees to maintain their situation awareness.
All workers should monitor their surroundings, whether running complex machinery or walking to the parking lot after a long day. Your employees should also know which company member they are to report to if they spot suspicious or concerning behaviors.
Ready to Take Your Security to the Next Level?
Now you know what you need to implement for successful manufacturing surveillance security.
Start with your priorities to determine the highest areas of need.
Next, address your levels of access control, video surveillance, system integration, and staff preparation.
Follow these steps to ensure higher success, safety, and efficiency with your security system.
Once you know the security and surveillance system is robust, you can focus on other areas of your business that require your attention.
Related: Commercial Security System Tips